Applications Committee
Role: Read and evaluate applications
Time Commitment: About 2-3hrs/wk during the rest of fall quarter, 3-4hrs/wk during winter break (remote) and the first month of winter quarter.
Time Commitment: About 2-3hrs/wk during the rest of fall quarter, 3-4hrs/wk during winter break (remote) and the first month of winter quarter.
- There will be some casual biweekly meetings where the committee grades together to help reach deadlines efficiently.
- Read participant applications
- Evaluate essays according to a 5-point scaled rubric
- Exercise fair and impartial judgment
- Meet grading deadlines
- Occasionally meet with committee for group grading sessions
Skills you can gain:
- Gain time management and organization skills
- Learn how to critique writing
- See the variety of perspectives among applicants
- Learn what makes a good essay
- Experience viewing applications from the grader’s point of view
What we're looking for:
If you are organized, have a knack for reading & writing, and work well under time constraints, this is the job for you!
Marketing Committee
Role: Spread the word about HCASB
Time Commitment: About 2 hrs/wk
Time Commitment: About 2 hrs/wk
- Heavier time commitment in the fall and after spring break
- Plan on having biweekly meetings in person or via online
- Notify pre-health email listservs of HCASB events and opportunities
- Coordinate and participate in tabling, classroom announcements, and info sessions
- Put up flyers
- Maintain relationships with other pre-health RSOs at UW
- Maintain contact with media in Seattle and within the UW campus
- Use social media to promote HCASB
- Create evaluation surveys for participants and clinics
- Each committee member will be responsible for editing the reflection essays of 2-3 sites
- Design and compile the Reflections Book
- Intro web design
Skills you can gain:
- Public speaking
- Professionalism
- Networking
- Planning
- Promotion & social media
- Design
What we're looking for:
If you are creative, have good communication skills, enjoy networking, and public speaking, this is the job for you! If you’re shy and would like to break out of your comfort zone, this is an excellent opportunity!
Orientation Committee
Role: Plan, coordinate, and execute orientation
Time Commitment:
Time Commitment:
- Fall Quarter: 3 one-hour-meetings prior to Winter Break
- Winter Quarter: About 1-3 hrs/wk. Workload is heavy in the few weeks before Orientation (Some time in February)
- Plan and lead Orientation for all accepted HCASB participants
- Become familiar with public health information pertinent to a particular underserved population
- Create and compile participant information packets
- At Orientation, present about cultural competency and other rural health issues to educate participants about what to expect at their clinics
- Contact and network with guest speakers (physicians at UWSOM) about rural health and HCASB past participants
What we're looking for:
If you enjoy planning major events, working with others, and have an interest in public speaking or improving your public speaking skills, this is the perfect job for you! Both former participants and new members are encouraged to apply!
Outreach Committee
Role: Plan and train for high school volunteering events
Time Commitment: About 2 hrs/wk
Time Commitment: About 2 hrs/wk
- Heavier time commitment in the fall and weeks leading up to orientation
- Plan on having some weekly casual meetings in person or via online
- Plan and design the high school outreach initiative
- Help train TL’s and HCASB participants on various presentation methods
- Create a follow-along itinerary and interactive activities for school visits
- Begin outlining and networking for future initiatives in pre-medical Zoom panels and college/high school buddy system programs
- Strengthen relationships with school contacts with outreach efforts
What we're looking for:
If you enjoy mentoring others, planning fun, interactive events, and have an interest in volunteering, this is the perfect job for you! Both former participants and new members are encouraged to apply!